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When homebuyers are shopping, some use banks for home loans , but why not consider a mortgage broker ?  There are many different reasons why choosing a mortgage broker can be more successful than choosing a bank.

  • Mortgage brokers are able to shop around and find the most competitive rates.
  • For some people, credit rating, income, and assets are an issue when applying for a loan. Mortgage brokers can send your application to numerous lenders, which in return will help better your chance of getting approved.
  • Mortgage brokers handle the loan from start to finish, making sure everything goes accordingly.
  • Mortgage brokers are required to have a license.
  • Mortgage brokers work on commission and up selling a loan is bad business for them because most are looking for referrals, and they will also try to accelerate and simplify the loan application process. The commission they earn is from a successful closing.
  • Mortgage brokers are up to date on the loan trends, which can save you time and money.

What benefits do you believe come with working with a mortgage broker? What outstanding mortgage brokers have you used in the past?

If you are looking for a real estate loan in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Indiana, we have great mortgage brokers that can help you! If you want find your options, call us today at 614.221.6770!

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